Salient Features
incorporated registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (M.C.A.) Govt. of India of [Pursuant to sub-
section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 8 of the companies Act 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] (C.I.N.: U80902MH2022NPL375014). - Approved and Supported by NITI Aayog ( Planning Commission ) Government of India.
- Registered under Ministry of M.S.M.E., Government of India.
- Registered under skill india as Training Provider. (TP108967)
- Registered under Directorate of Vocational Education and Training Maharashtra state. (PVT32194T)
- DSK EDUCATION MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE COUNCIL OF INDIA has filed an application for membership of Quality Council of India.
- DSK EDUCATION MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE COUNCIL OF INDIA has filed an application for Registration in class 41 in the Trade Marks Department, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.
Mission And Vision
Every citizen in a modern democracy should be equipped to contribute effectively to the welfare of the
society. Thus on practical as well as theoretical grounds and from social as well as individualistic point of
view, it is necessary to equip every young person for some occupations so that he may contribute
effectively to the satisfaction of human wants. The responsibilities of the community in Health have more
importance which should have trained Health specialists along with workers and technologists and should
be well Equipped to give specified remedies for day today illness. The vocationalization provides for
diversification of educational opportunities so as to enhance individual employability, reduce the mismatch
between demand and supply of skilled manpower. Vocational, Self-Employment, Industrial Training, Health
Care Training and all Education with a mission to take education to the doorsteps of the learners, enhancing
social equality and creating flexibility for life long learning. We conduct propogation, Dissemination,
research, development Programme. We Organize Vocational Education, Self-Employment, Industrial
Training, Health Care Training and All Education Programmes one or two years duration, through our
Vocational Educational Institutes,which are well established. Voluntary effort has to be stimulated and
mobilized on a nation-wide basis. Volunteers should be enlisted, training and assigned suitable tasks.
Leadership should be developed at various level by proper selection and cources training.Equipment,
technical guidance and various services have to be provided. Efficient and honest use has to be ensured of
the resources available, whatever the source from which they are derived.For this a network of Branches,
Franchises has to grow up, which should work on a decentralized basis but in a co-ordinated manner.
About the Organization
- Council Provide of Education and Training related in Yoga, Naturopathy, First-Aid Training, Community Health, Allied Health Care, Paramedical, Vocational, Industrial, Skill Development, Employment and Self-Employment.
- Council organize Continue Medical Education ( C.M.E.) Programmes, workshop, Educational and Sport Competitions, Educational and Health Care related Exhibition, guest lecture and symposium.
- Council work for the Propogation, Development and Research of the Medical, Yoga, Naturopathy,
First-Aid Training, Community Health, Allied Health Care, Paramedical, Vocational, Industrial, Skill
Development, Employment and Self-Employment Education and Training in all over India. - Council will be soon start curriculum Admission, study and training centres and Counseling Centres at Taluka and District level in all over india. We will provide franchisee of study and training centres for institutes in all over India.
- To maintain honour dignity of and to promote the cooperation amongst the members of profession.
- We provide Job searching and information services. We provide Career Counseling, Educational,
Vocational and self-employment guidence. - We Provide Charitable purpose Medical and Health care Treatment and Various Therapy treatment
services. - To give medical relief to the Indian society and to improve the public health through diffuse knowledge and practice of the science.
- Efforts for Legal Protection to Medical and Allied Health care practitioners for practicing in various
treatment. Efforts for Legal rights to Nursing and Paramedical science employees. - Yoga , Naturopathy , Alternative , Electro-Homeopathy , C.M.S.& E.D. , Allied Health Care Practitioners , Vocational , Paramedical & Nursing Employees Can be Registered for DSKEMHC Council with short term training.
Aims & Objects
- To acquire knowledge & understanding of the basic principle with the modern Techniques & method On various courses.
- To impart the importance of various educational courses amongst the people in the rural and urban
area. - To Run various self employment courses for students.
- To motivate students to start their own business independently by training them through various courses.
- All courses study and training of students under the provisions of council constitution. The good
education and good health for all are the focus of the council. - The ideology at is to create quality manpower and instill in them a feeling of self Esteem to be able to complete in the progressive Markets and achieve success.